Monday, September 13, 2010

First Day, Last Post

Mileage Today: 319
Total Mileage: 319

We stopped for the day at Tonapah, NV. Despite a late start, and a lot of stopping to explore the potential of our 'Droids, we actually covered quite a few miles.

Linda hasn't been feeling well since a couple of hours after breakfast - she thinks that something she ate is fighting back. She's always a soldier and she hasn't complained all day - she is, however, very quiet, and not smiling much. We're both hoping a good night's sleep will perk her up.

I was a little surpised to find out that our 'Droids can't navigate when out of the 3G service area. Although it seems to know our location and could geocode photos, it doesn't know where anything else is. I'm guessing it has a "real" GPS, but not GPS mapping, which it pulls down on the fly. I'll have to check it out when I get back home - I hate being so ignorant.

I was also surprised, this time in a pleasant way, about how much 3G coverage we had - we were in business across much of the void east of Benton. In Tonapah, however, we have only 'normal' cell phone service which pretty much renders the 'Droid a single function cell phone. Internet access is possible if you can stand the sloooooow downloading. Strangely, I can't seem to send email although I can read it.

A shot of Mono Lake is obligatory.

Highway 50 has nothing over Hwy 6 as far as being the lonliest road in America. From Benton, CA to Tonapah, NV is about 80 miles with no sign of civilization anywhere to be seen.

PS - I'm cheating by posting this with my laptop. It's much easier than with the 'Droid and I can do a few more things - like post more than one photo.

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